Core Drilling

We provide a reinforced concrete diamond drilling service using only experienced and fully qualified engineers, this has been over a duration of plus 10 years of trading Gujarat. Within the sector, diamond drilling and cutting are regarded as a highly specialized service, as more than often precise results are required to meet the challenges faced on construction projects. Techniques utilized by our company are a quiet and non-percussive way of forming holes and openings of variant sizes, using wet or dry drilling techniques to form precise holes in all types of base materials. The precise nature of diamond drilling means that accuracy can be delivered to overcome constraints often associated with refurbishment projects and new developments. In addition, we have at our disposal a variety of drill motors that come in multiple sizes, attached to a multitude of different types of rigs, which are powered namely electric, petrol, or diesel.

Diamond drilling technology has advanced at a rapid pace, so much so all industries have benefited from its achievements, with trailer-mounted rigs, hand-held drill motors, twin column assemblies and automated rigs versatility has become a universal problem solver. Other aspects of diamond drilling are stitch drilling where you join the holes to form an opening rather than an individual hole, this can be achieved by linking the holes together to form a straight linear line. This methodology is often utilized when access is limited or material thickness is deep and other conventional cutting methods are not suitable.


  • Nonpercussive significantly reducing (Hand and Arm Vibration Syndrome) HAV’s.
  • Free from bursting & spoiling.
  • Requires little or no reinstatement work.
  • Clean environment by attaching water & dust controls.
  • Forms holes where the size or shape is abnormal.
  • Variety of materials – reinforced concrete, mass concrete, brick masonry, and blockwork.